Contract address : 0xabb468a9f7557171f21379ad0251d4019dc05376


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

  • Team Building

  • Utility observations

  • Deploy Utility Hotel Nearby

  • Listing Token

  • Base trending

  • Dexscreener Update

  • Geckoterminal update

  • Dexview Update

  • Avedex Update

  • Dexstools Update

  • Coingecko

  • Wallet Hotel AI Launching

  • Building Community

  • Marketing Promotion

  • Partnership

  • CMC fast track

Hotel AI

Revolutionizing hospitality through AI and cryptocurrency innovations.

white and brown human robot illustration
white and brown human robot illustration
Smart Booking

AI-driven solutions for seamless hotel reservations and experiences.

a city with tall buildings
a city with tall buildings
Crypto Rewards

Earn cryptocurrency rewards for your hotel stays and services.

people sitting on gray concrete bench during daytime
people sitting on gray concrete bench during daytime
a man in a black shirt is holding a pizza
a man in a black shirt is holding a pizza
AI Insights

Utilizing AI to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Future Vision

Integrating cutting-edge technology for the next hospitality era.